I picked up this scottish porter from Appellation wines on Dalry Road, Edinburgh and the bottle actually stood out for its not-stand-outness. The plain black label with bold white type looked pretty plain in the company of a multitude of varicoloured labels from the likes of Flying Dog and Anchor steam.
First smell of the beer is really malty, strong and dark. There’s no head at all, although it turns out to be fizzier than it looks when you eventually pour it into your beer trap. It tastes its full 9% abv but not in a bad way. There’s a hint of spirit behind it all, possibly whisky, and its got a really nice liquorice taste underneath that. The spirity taste hangs on afterwards, along with a flowery, herby something that seems familiar but I can’t quite work out. Oh well, seems I’ll need to have a few more to work it out. Damn shame…
It’s a lot like the Jacobite Ale from Traquair Brewery actually, and that’s no bad thing. One of my favourites this – worth sending the poor wee bottles all the way down from Orkney – and I’ll definitely be having it again!